Countercyclical Capital Buffer
The countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) is a CRD instrument, transposed in Central Bank of Malta Directive No. 11 "Macro-prudential Policy", which requires credit institutions to set aside additional Common Equity Tier 1 capital during periods of excessive credit growth. The aim of the CCyB is to increase the banks' resilience in good times to absorb potential losses that could arise in a downturn and to support the continued supply of credit to the real economy.
In accordance with Article 136(7) of EU Directive 2019/878, transposed in Central Bank of Malta Directive No. 11, the Central Bank of Malta shall announce the setting of the countercyclical capital buffer rate based on a quarterly assessment of the risks due to excessive credit growth.
The Central Bank of Malta is hereby notifying its decision on the CCyB rate for the first quarter of 2025.
- The applicable countercyclical capital buffer rate: 0%
- The relevant credit-to-GDP ratio: 64.0% and its deviation from the long-term trend: -4.3 percentage points
- The buffer guide: 0%
Note on Countercyclical Capital Buffer Methodology
Quarterly Indicators and assessments for the countercyclical capital buffer rate
Previous quarterly indicators and assessments for the countercyclical capital buffer rate
Date last updated: 31 December 2024