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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

The Central Bank of Malta has been carefully following developments with regard to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). It has taken – and will continue to take – all precautions to protect its employees, contractors and visitors.


  • The Bank has suspended both incoming and outgoing business and training travel until further notice.
  • In line with the World Health Organisation advice on the importance of containing the outbreak, the Bank is postponing non-essential meetings and events to reduce the risk of contagion.
  • Visitors to the Bank, including contractors, are being asked to verify that they comply with the health authorities’ guidelines with regards to their travel or possible exposure.
  • With effect from Monday, 11 May 2020, all third parties entering the Bank are kindly requested to wear a mask or visor, in line with Health Authorities’ instructions. Body temperature will also be measured. This is to ensure your safety and the safety of our staff. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
  • Cash poses no particular risk of infection for public (Johannes Beermann, Bundesbank)


  • The Malta Coin Centre counter at the main premises will be open on weekdays from 08:30am to noon. Health precautions are in place, including the mandatory wearing of masks. Kindly please note that purchases can still be made via the e-shop
  • The Currency Museum is now open for visitors during its normal opening times. You may also visit the virtual tour.
  • The Central Bank of Malta Library is open to researchers by appointment only. Click here for details.
  • Persons requiring a report from the Central Credit Register would be able to request one through the normal channels and receive it via registered mail or by email.




The Bank encourages the public to stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and through the national health authority. 

Read the Governor's message to the public here - 13 March 2020.

Most people who become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others. The WHO advises anyone with even a mild cough or low-grade fever (37.3°C or more) to stay at home.