Annual Research Workshop
Public Lecture: Unconventional monetary policy in the euro area: Macroeconomic context, effectiveness, unintended consequences, and normalization - Dr Stefano Siviero
Public Lecture: Guardians of stability - central banks, supervisors and the quest for financial stability - Sabine Lautenschläger
Notte Bianca
Public Lecture: The spirit of enterprise: Malta's most important asset - Professor Carmel Vassallo
European Commission and Central Bank of Malta Conference
Public Lecture: Welfare state - Necessity not luxury - Professor Nicholas Barr
Public Lecture: The EU economy - today and tomorrow - Reuben Borg
Public Lecture: Sources of Malta’s economic history: The views of the National Archivist - Dr Charles J. Farrugia
Public Lecture: Ten years in Economic and Monetary Union - Malta's experience - Rita Schembri
Public Lecture: Industry, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development: The Case of Malta 1911 - 1970 - Dr Mario Brincat
Public Lecture: Regulatory Developments impacting Central Banking - Professor Dr Rosa María Lastra
Central Bank of Malta 50th Anniversary Conference
Joint Central Bank of Malta - Queen Mary University of London Conference
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Constituency meeting