
Cyber Resilience Monitoring

Nowadays infrastructures are concerned about cyber-attacks as these are becoming more sophisticated each day. In order to address this issue, the CPMI-IOSCO published a set of guidelines for FMIs on cyber resilience aiming to pinpoint several elements that should be considered by infrastructures in order to have sound cyber resilience against attacks. These guidelines were published in June 2016. Similarly, the Eurosystem published a set of Cyber Resilience Oversight Expectations (CROE) which provides relevant information on what is expected when carrying out a cyber-resilience assessment on FMIs.

In this respect, the ECB established a Task Force on Cyber Resilience to raise awareness on the increasing importance of such resilience within different types of FMIs. The Task Force has launched a Eurosystem Cyber Resilience Survey to determine the preparedness of infrastructures in dealing with cyber-attacks. The Bank carries out such exercise with the national FMIs on a regular basis to further assess the MSE's position in relation to cyber resilience.

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ECB and Cyber Resilience