
Banknote Authenticity Training for Retailers

One of the Central Bank of Malta's objectives is to disseminate information about the euro currency among cash handlers and the public. As in previous years, the Central Bank of Malta is once again offering educational sessions to increase awareness about counterfeit Euro banknotes and coins.

As part of this educational campaign, the Central Bank of Malta is offering a choice of online sessions, conducted on Microsoft Teams, as well as face-to-face sessions. To accommodate the needs of large organisations, the Bank offers the possibility of holding multiple training sessions so that all cash handlers can attend in staggered groups. Alternatively, if such an arrangement is not possible, the Bank will consider adopting a train the trainer approach. After obtaining certification, the chosen trainer could train other personnel in the company. The assigned trainer will be given access to training material through our online learning platform. 

Training sessions last around 40 minutes. Upon completion, the Bank will issue a certificate of attendance in the form of a sticker, which can be affixed to cash desk/s as proof that the cash handlers are trained to check banknotes. This certification will be valid for two years.

In addition to the mentioned educational sessions the Bank also offers the service of testing banknote authentication devices with our test pack. This testing service is offered by prior appointment.

Kindly note that the mentioned services are free of charge.

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