Results of the 2014 Wage Dynamics Network for Malta
Brian Micallef & Karen Caruana
This report documents the response of Maltese firms after the economic and financial crisis of 2009. The results are based on a survey of 178 firms undertaken as part of the Wage Dynamics Network mainly for the reference period 2010-2013. The survey focuses on a wide array of factors such as key firm characteristics, the economic environment after the crisis, the nature and size of the shocks hitting the economy, the adjustments made by firms and aspects related to wage and price setting behaviour. The survey follows a similar one conducted in 2010, whose primary focus was on the adjustment during the crisis, and in particular, the relevance of various cost-cutting strategies. The collection of data from these surveys provide valuable evidence directly from firms, with a detailed breakdown by sector and size classes, that is typically not available from existing statistics.
ECB WDN 3 Country Report: Malta