The Central Bank of Malta's main publications are the Quarterly Review, the Annual Report and the Financial Stability Report. The Quarterly Review contains commentaries on economic and financial developments in Malta and abroad, occasional articles on economic and monetary matters, and economic and financial statistics. From time to time, the Review also reproduces public statements by the Governor. On the other hand, the Annual Report gives an account of the Bank's operations during the previous year and presents its annual financial statements. It also contains an analysis of domestic and international economic and financial developments during the previous year. The Financial Stability Report publishes the Bank's financial stability analysis and findings on an annual basis. The Bank also publishes on its website a monthly Economic Update, covering the latest economic and financial developments.
The Bank also publishes the economic projections four times a year. The forecasts cover the current year and three years ahead.
As part of its efforts to obtain a deeper insight into the main developments and trends on a sectoral level, the Bank maintains regular contact with major non‑financial corporations, authorities, and other institutions in Malta. A quarterly report entitled the CBM Business Dialogue summarises – in aggregate form – information gathered during these discussions. The business dialogue survey can also be accessed in a new and interactive way through its dedicated dashboard.
The Research Bulletin is an annual publication meant to showcase, in a concise and approachable manner, part of the Bank's research.
As from 2023, the Bank is publishing on a yearly basis an annual Climate-Related Financial Disclosures Report for the non-monetary policy portfolios in line with the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures’ (TCFD) recommendations.
The Working Papers series refers to technical research papers written by the Bank's economists. These are published to further debate and comments on them are welcome. The Policy Notes series refers to short briefs on selected policy issues aimed at a wider audience. Finally, the Bank’s economists also publish their research in external publications following a peer-review process.
Occasionally the Bank commissions or sponsors the publication of books with cultural or historical themes.
ECB Publications
The Central Bank of Malta is a member of the European System of Central Banks that comprises the ECB and the national central banks (NCBs) of all EU Member States. The ECB conducts economic research on a wide range of topics so as to improve policymaking, and so contributes to the well-being of all Europeans.