News - News Releases 2019
20 November 2019
The Central Bank of Malta recently held its Annual Research workshop for 2019 where a number of presentations of research work by foreign guests and the Bank’s staff were delivered during the workshop, and the Bank published its Research Bulletin for 2019.
20 November 2019
The Central Bank of Malta updates Directive No. 6 on the Harmonised Conditions for Opening and Operating Payments Module Accounts, T2S Dedicated Cash Accounts in TARGET2-Malta, and Tips Dedicated Cash Accounts in Target2-Malta and Directive No. 7 on Provision of Intraday Credit and Auto-Collateralisation
20 November 2019
Address by Dr Mario Vella, Governor, Central Bank of Malta, delivered during the IFS Malta Annual dinner on 19 November 2019.
20 November 2019
“Progressing safely in a riskier world” was the theme and main message of the traditional policy speech delivered by Dr Mario Vella, Governor of the Central Bank of Malta, at the recent annual dinner of the Institute of Financial Services.
19 November 2019
In October, the Bank’s Business Conditions’ Index (BCI) fell when compared with the previous month, and started to suggest slightly below-average conditions.