WP/05/2021 - A study on the exchange rate pass-through to consumer prices in Malta
Renewable electricity in Malta: A question of sources
The inflation experience of low-income households
Impact of EU-wide insurance stress tests on equity prices and systemic risk
Developments in the Maltese economic structure since 2000: an analysis using chain-linked sectoral national accounts data
The determinants of well-being: Results from the European quality of life survey
Estimates of industry-specific multipliers for the Maltese economy on the basis of the SIOT for 2015
Liquidity conditions and monetary policy operations from maintenance period 1 to maintenance period 8 of 2020
Policy Note: The COVID-19 pandemic and disruption in 2020: Developing a government response tracker in Malta
Access to Finance in 2020
Overview of the financial assets and liabilities of the Maltese economy by institutional sector
Sectoral contributions to aggregate labour productivity and ULC growth
The sustainability of the Maltese government debt