Economics Statistics

Euro Area Indicators

In this section, you will find selected euro area aggregates and national breakdowns as they are published by the ECB and the national central banks (NCBs) of the euro area countries on their websites. The central feature of this framework is that the Maltese aggregates can be compared with the national contributions from the other euro Member States and with the euro area aggregates in consistent tables that are published simultaneously on the ECB’s website and on the websites of the participating NCBs. This framework also increases the user-friendliness of the presentation of these statistics.

Monetary, banking, investment funds and financial markets

MFI (Monetary Financial Institutions) balance sheets: outstanding amounts

Euro area and national MFI interest rates

Euro denominated debt securities

Euro denominated quoted shares

Total assets of euro area investment funds (excluding money market funds)

Number of MFIs per country of residence



Annual percentage changes



GDP and expenditure components

Year-on-year volume growth of GDP and expenditure components

Quarter-on-quarter volume growth of GDP and expenditure components


Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators

Harmonised competitiveness indicators based on consumer price indices

Harmonised competitiveness indicators based on GDP deflators

Harmonised competitiveness indicators based on unit labour cost indices for the total economy