Governor Scicluna welcomes SDDS Plus' milestone for Malta
On 31 July 2023, the National Statistics Office and the Central Bank of Malta jointly conducted a Press Conference to commemorate Malta's achievement in fulfilling the requirements for adherence to the IMF's Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) Plus. This accomplishment marks the highest tier of the Fund's Data Standards Initiatives. This event celebrates another milestone for Malta in publishing statistical information of the highest standard and was held at the Central Bank of Malta Binja Laparelli.
Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed this milestone for Malta and noted that "the dissemination of the new datasets for Malta under the SDDS Plus will be invaluable in fostering a deeper understanding and more informed assessments of the performance of Malta's financial and other sectors of the economy, gross government debt, and debt securities in general."
Read more here.
Photo: Melvin Bugeja