Governor's Corner

Governor of the Central Bank of Malta in Washington for IMF/WB meetings

Central Bank Governor, Professor Edward Scicluna has attended the 2022 International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) Spring Meetings in Washington D.C. held between the 20 and 23 April 2022.  Governor Scicluna attended the official IMF Committee (IMFC) meetings where the global economic, fiscal, and financial outlook as well as its challenges for the coming years were discussed amongst IMF governors from around the world.

Deputy Governor and Governor with Executive Director Domenico Fanizza and Advisor Annalisa Korinthios

Deputy Governor and Governor with Executive Director Domenico Fanizza and Advisor Annalisa Korinthios

In the margins of the IMF Spring Meetings, Professor Scicluna and Deputy Governor Mr Demarco held meetings and talks with senior officials of the two leading international financial institutions, including IMF Executive Director, Domenico Fanizza the World Bank Executive Director, Matteo Bugamelli, World Bank Country Director, Jesko Hentschel and the Deputy Director at the European Department, Mr Mahmood Pradhan. Meetings were also held with the IMF’s EUR Article IV Mission, chaired by Mr Kotaro Ishi, the World Bank Mission working on projects related to Malta, and with top officials from leading rating agencies, Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s.

Governor's Quote