Governor's Corner

Central Bank of Malta Governor addresses the guests at the Institute of Financial Services Malta's Annual Dinner

Prof. Edward Scicluna, Governor of the Central Bank of Malta addressed the guests at the Institute of Financial Services Malta's annual dinner.

In his speech, the Governor made reference to how the economic scenario changed since the last annual dinner took place when economies were gradually re-opening after the havoc brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and when policy rates in the main advanced economies were still negative or mildly positive and inflation was also expected to go back to moderate levels.

Prof. Edward Scicluna, Governor of the Central Bank of Malta addressed the guests at the Institute of Financial Services Malta's annual dinner.

Photo: Daniel Cardona

Prof. Scicluna ended his address on a positive note by saying that in November, inflation across most Eurozone countries including Malta has taken the first drop in seventeen months and that the much expected recession at the end of this year might not materialise after all. He concluded that "the ECB will no longer continue raising interest rates.? Well ....not quite".

Read more here.