Central Bank of Malta Governor addresses the IFS’s Annual Seminar
In line with the strategy of the Eurosystem, the Central Bank of Malta intends to contribute to net zero emissions by adjusting its policy framework in favour of low CO2 emitters, and by enhancing the resilience of the economy to climate-related events. To this end, the Eurosystem will adjust its corporate bond holdings towards issuers with better climate performance and will share its expertise to foster the adoption of best practices. The involvement of the private actors will be essential to finance the transition to net zero by 2050. These efforts will safeguard the public good of stable prices while fostering the transition to the public good of a clean environment.
In his intervention, Governor Scicluna focused on the environment and on the fundamental transformations that lie ahead of us, as it is increasingly glaring that climate change is one of the greatest threats faced by humankind this century.

Central Bank of Malta Governor, Professor Edward Scicluna
(Photo: Melvin Bugeja)